
ElderScrollsOfAlts 作者: Echomap

Addon/mod for Elder Scrolls Online - to keep general track of alts*Depends On: LibAddonMenu-2.0. So please install separately* Currently with a minimal UI, basic sorting, and at least some of the details I want to store/show. This addon only knows about

Automatically Accept Quests 作者: marlonbrando

Adds an extra option to quest providers which will cause future visits to be automatically accepted with one click. Quest turn-ins will also be one-click.This add-on requires the separate installation of these libraries:LibAddonMenu-2.0LibChatMessageLi

Votan's Improved Outfit Station 作者: votan

DependenciesLibCustomMenuDescriptionMost important things disabled by ZOSI released what's leftThis addon does:Undo/Redo buttons. You don't need to accept changes (which has costs) to be enable to undo things. Disabled by ZOSSave interim result