This is a simple window showing how much time is remaining before your hirelings make their next deliveries for each of your characters.

Please Note
From Version 2.1.0 you need to separately install: LibTableFunctions-1.0

Localization for German, French, and Japanese is included in version 2.0.0. I speak only English so I am very sorry if a translation is incorrect. My only available source was Google Translate. Please message me if you see a translation that can be improved or shortened where space is an issue. Also feel free to provide a complete translation for another language if you would like to see it added to a future update.

Important Information
ZOS' game system is programmed in such a way that mail is not delivered to your inbox until you request that it be delivered to your inbox. So, what does this mean for you? It means that the information isn't delivered until you open the mail screen. In other words, the timers won't tick unless you look at your mail! This also means that the timers may not tick if you use an app that that changes the default mail screen. And finally, latency is another key contributor in the functionality of this app. This means that the timers may not tick if you have lots of lag or lots of add-ons causing a slow game startup.

Slash Commands
  • /uht - Toggle the addon window. This can be keybound.
  • /uht bs - Show the elapsed/remaining time since your last blacksmithing hireling mail.
  • /uht cl - Show the elapsed/remaining time since your last clothing hireling mail.
  • /uht ww - Show the elapsed/remaining time since your last woodworking hireling mail.
  • /uht en - Show the elapsed/remaining time since your last enchanting hireling mail.
  • /uht pv - Show the elapsed/remaining time since your last provisioning hireling mail.
  • /uht all - Show the elapsed/remaining time since your last mail from all hirelings.
  • /uht help - Show all available slash commands for UHT.
