CP Slots for CP 2.0
You can make different cp slots to save, load, edit, rename, clone, and transfer between.

Everything has tooltips and shows you all the information you need to know without using the actual Champion Perks Default UI, or you can use it in the Champion Perks Default UI.

Keybindings to load from your User and Account saved slots
You can summon the UI with a keybinding or a UI button or a slash command or have it automatically open with Champion Perks Default UI.

Tooltips to show you the path to get to disabled CP.

Ability to slot Champion Skills using checkboxes

Detailed Version
Basic Functionality
Shows your current CP.
- Shows you the slot you loaded if you used my addon to do so

Shows your custom CPs you build.
- You create these from scratch with the New option.
- Once created you can Rename them.
- You can clone these

Shows your custom CPs you build account wide
- You create these from scratch with the New option.
- Once created you can Rename them.
- You can clone these

Check Boxes
These will show you if you have certain CP Skills slotted in your hotbar, when viewing your CP and not in edit mode, you can change these around as long as you have the appropriate amount of CP in that star. When you load this slot, it will slot these.

Edit Boxes
Just click the Edit checkbox and it will reveal a lot of EditBoxes, just type in the number you want and it will update the CP automatically.

During this time you can move your mouse around to see other tooltips so that you can see required stars to unlock, as soon as you quit hovering over the item you can start typing again.

However! Do note if you don't have the available amount of points you can NOT enter the number, it will give you the highest available. For example let's say you have 50points available, and you type in 500, well first off, 500 will be reduced to whatever the max is, then secondly it will check your available, since you only have 50it will then change it to 50.

The exception to this rule is that if you already have points in a slot, so if you have 56 points in something, and have 0 points available, if you type in 100, it'll give you 56 back, so that you can reduce it to 0 and get those points back, likewise you can type in 1~56 to get how many points you want back.

Jump points and navigation
While inside of an Edit Box
- Up arrow increase jump point
- Down arrow decreases jump point
- Shift-Tab/Tab moves up and down
- Shift-Space/Space left and right
- Enter/Esc loses focus

If you aren't in edit mode and you are on one of your CPSlots you'll see a dropdown beside each tree.
When you click this it will expand and you'll see all your CPSlots you currenlty have.
On selection, it will transfer that CP tree to your current tree INSTANTLY.

- Open CPSlot's UI on Champion Perks scene load.
Toggles whether or not you want to show by default when you load the CP scene.
- Show image button to open CPSlot's UI.
Toggles whether or not you want to show the icon that tells you the keybinding and a button to open the UI and move around.
- Auto Metic : Auto Meticulous Deconstrcutor slotting on crafting scene. Make sure you have points slotted into whatever your current CP setup is. ( The points actually affecting your character )
- Show Star IDs: Useful for debugging but can be verbose if you don't need it
- Show Logging : Log when things happen

Slash Commands
/cpslottoggleui : Toggle the CP Slot ui

UI Info
Everything has tooltip pretty much, if you are curious or forget something just hover over it.
The window can be moved wherever you want and it'll remember.

If you have any questions feel free to message me or comment.
Same with any bugs you find.

Finally, thank you so much for looking into my addon.

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