A simple addon that can help you to manage your undaunted dailies and more!

Based on the idea of Arkadium's Undaunted outdated addon (thanks Carter), this addon has the following features:

  • Adds an info button in your journal with a reminder of today's dailies on mouse over (link in chat on click)
  • Possibility to enable Quick dialog in order to quickly get a new dailie or return a completed one. Also it returns a completed pledge and get a new one in one click
  • Possibility to enable Auto Abandon: on character login, remove any uncompleted daily in order to quickly take the new ones
  • Possibility to display dailies in chat at startup (with possible lootable helmets)
  • Possibilty to print a symbol that inform you if the dungeon quest related to the pledge is already completed (useful to quickly check if you still miss the skillpoint for the dungeon quest completion)
  • Possibility to display the info about the collection of the helmets (L=Light, M=Medium, H=Heavy - Green=collected, Red=Not collected)
  • Adds a keybind to post dailies to chat
  • Adds a keybind to quickly abandon pledges quests (thanks Arch!)
  • /upupledges or /pledges: post dailies. You can type /pledges with a number to get the daily on that day starting from today (e.g.: /pledges -1 for yesteday pledges, /pledges 1 for tomorrow pledges, /pledges 5 for pledges in 5 days). N.B.: max 30 days allowed (i.e: /pledges 30 max allowed).
    Also, you can type /pledges week to get the dailies in the current week.
  • /upuday or /day: get the next pledge day of a specific dungeon given an acronym (e.g.: /upuday rom to get next pledge day for Ruins of Mazzatun).
  • /upudayhelp or /dayhelp: get a list of used acronyms by /upuday.
  • /upuwhereis or /whereis: get the info about the location of a dungeon giving its acronym
    (eg: /whereis tc returns "The dungeon The Cauldron is located in Deshaan")
Possibility to enable dungeon achievement tracker: info about missing achievements are automatically shown in chat when entering a dungeon! You can also decide to track or not common achievements in all the dungeons (like Great dungeon healer achievement) and composed achievements. These ones refer to achievements gainable by doing different tasks in different dungeons (e.g. Complete All Speed Challenges achiev or Vanquisher of the Covenant achiev).
When you earn an achievement you now also get notified in chat. There's also the possibility (enable Show on Achiev Rewarded option) to show the updated missing achievements on achievement awarded.

Library dependencies Add them using Minion or download them manually here at ESOUI.

Localization contributors
  • French: @SirRemi, @LuckyBreak
  • German: @wishna
  • Russian: @Wolf-F_low

  • Add a specific achievement tracker window instead of posting achievements in the chat (I will do this as soon as I learn how to code windows and UI stuff in lua/XML lol)
  • Tell me if you need some specific feature!
You can also find the addon on Github!

If you like the addon, you can offer me a coffee! I need a lot of them to do long coding sessions!
