AreWeThereYet calculates the date on which you will reach CP3600.

New in 0.6.0:

- Major bugfix: incompatible change in data storage, see change log for details
- User feedback: calculate subgoals (thanks to Falja for suggesting this)

New in 0.5.0:

- Support for the new Champion System

New in 0.4.0:

- XP/date calculator for any Champion Point between 10 and 810 (click on small Champion icon)

New in 0.3.0:

- History window with up to one month of data (click on large Champion icon)

New in 0.2.0:

- Window with keybinding (default none) and slash command (/arewethereyet)
- Additional information, e.g. XP needed and decrease in CP gain
- Chat messages have been discontinued

Information displayed:

Champion Points earned
Champion Points left
Champion Points earned today
Average CP in the last period, up to one month
Minimum Champion Points
Maximum Champion Points
Minimum XP needed
Maximum XP needed
XP needed for next Champion Point
Cumulative decrease in CP gain
Maximum decrease in CP gain
Average future decrease in CP gain
Estimated end date
Time left in years, months, weeks and days

It should be noted that the projected end date will not be very reliable in the first week or so. Accuracy will improve over time.

Known issue: since the ESO client is a 32-bit application, it suffers from the "Year 2038 problem", see Any dates affected by this issue will be listed as "unknown" (which is perfectly normal btw if the CP average is zero).

This Add-on is not created by, affiliated with or sponsored by ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates. The Elder Scrolls® and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All rights reserved.
