Launch with "/pat" (for Pithka's Achievement Tracker) or key binding. This addon tracks end-game dungeon and trial achievements. Maintained by @Pithka and @Branddi

Trial Tracker

Dungeon Tracker

Scores per character

Sweatiest PVEer Competition

Congratulations to @Olibeau for having the most OP addon screenshot (before the account-wide achievements patch). Not only did he have every single trifecta in the game, but also 34 total trial trifectas including 6 Godslayers, 3 Dawnbringer, along with 4 Unchaineds and 18 Spirit Slayers.

Some honorable mentions in the competition
- @Steenee with the most Godslayers (12x)
- @VEx43 with the most Unchained (16x)
- @Rhzolen with the most trials trifectas (40x)
- @mlee with the most dungeon trifectas (152x)

Thank you to our judges @SkinnyCheeks and @Nefas, and a special thanks to @Raf for sponsoring the competition prize pool.
