1.2.0 Notice
The option to separate achievement progress by mega-server has been added (Settings->Addons->Account Achievements->Separate Achievements by Server), but is currently un-tested. It would be greatly appreciated if someone who actively plays on both could test it.

This addon requires the following libraries to be installed to function:
  • LibAddonMenu

This addon re-designs the base-game achievement interface to make it easier to track achievement progress across all of your characters.

Current features include:
  • Re-designing the summary panel to show total progress towards a category in yellow, overlayed by the default blue bar
  • Adding addition information to an achievement's expanded tooltip, including all of the characters it has been earned on.
  • Achievements that have been earned on other characters will show as being partially unlocked, and display "Earned" instead of a date
  • An additional category that groups similar achievements together, such as: dungeon challengers, motifs, savior/hero of

This addon may conflict with other addons which modify the base-game achievement panel. Addons that have been tested or contain compatibility patches (already included in the base addon) are:
  • Give each category its own yellow progress bar like for the summary
  • Support for other languages
