Character Knowledge tracks recipe, furnishing plan, and motif knowledge across multiple characters, accounts, and servers.

Extended Journal

This addon is a part of the Extended Journal, which is a collection of addons comprised of Loot Log, Item Set Browser, Character Knowledge, and Event Collectibles.

External Dependencies

  • None


Yet another recipe/motif tracker? Why use Character Knowledge?

Character Knowledge was created in response to some of the frustrations that I have with existing addons. Specifically...
  1. Character Knowledge is altaholic-friendly. It can track knowledge of characters across multiple accounts and even across servers.
  2. Character Knowledge has a concept of character priority. Most people have a "main" character that they prioritize for learning recipes and motifs, and Character Knowledge recognizes this and helps ensure that more important characters are given priority for distributing those extra copies of recipes and motifs that you found.
  3. Character Knowledge makes it easier to access information with a simple, straightforward UI.
  4. Character Knowledge gives players the option to share their information with friends via an export/import feature. No more need for manually compiling a list of missing motifs during the Anniversary Event.

What does this addon do, specifically?

Character Knowledge browser:
The main UI lets users browse through a master list of motifs, recipes, and furnishing plans, along with an overview of the extent of your characters' knowledge of these items.

Information added to tooltips throughout the game:
Whenever you look at an item tooltip for a recipe, plan, or motif, you'll see an overview of which characters know that particular item. In the case of chaptered motifs, you will also see an overview of your knowledge of all the chapters of this style.

Advanced Filters custom filter plugin:
For users of the Advanced Filters addon, Character Knowledge will also install a few custom filter plugins for Advanced Filters.


Character Knowledge includes the LibCharacterKnowledge library. Addon authors who wish to use the library for their own addons can check out the the LibCharacterKnowledge Developer Reference. LibCharacterKnowledge is also available as a standalone download for users who want to use it without installing Character Knowledge.
