Presets Window
- Allows you to save, load, and delete champion point presets
- Presets are saved per tree instead of all together
- These do NOT save your slottable stars! Just the point allocations
- Ability to specify what classes and/or roles the presets are intended for, and those presets will be listed more prominently if you are on a matching class/role, or grayed out (but still selectable) on characters without that class/role. Class buttons are only available in the "Standalone Window" UI option
- Toggle it with keybind or command: /dcp presets
- Comes with some default presets -- working on making these better though

Quickstar Panel
- See your currently slotted stars outside of the CP screen, or inside, or both, or neither!
- Use the dropdowns to switch slotted stars, and confirm or cancel using the buttons
- Can open one tree at once, or click the tab again to collapse
- Toggle it with keybind or command: /dcp quickstar or /dcp qs or /dcp q
- Additional keybind for cycling through tabs
- Multiple settings available like scale, button orientation, which side to display the menu on, etc. so you can fit it into your UI. Or if you don't like it, you can turn it off entirely :'D

Quality of Life Improvements
Each of these QoL changes can be adjusted in the addon settings.
- Enables labels on each star to make them easier to find
- Enables double-click on slottable stars to slot or unslot them from the hotbar, instead of having to drag and drop each one
- Displays a pulldown list of your currently slotted stars, with left to right corresponding with top to bottom
- Displays a chat message when you gain a champion point
- Displays your total CP and CP for each tree on the top left of the CP screen
- Displays a warning if you exit the CP screen without saving your changes
- Displays a warning if you hit the cooldown for changing slottables
- Can hide the constellation art entirely if you find the stars difficult to see against the bright background

Custom Rules
Version 1.0.0 added an entirely new system for (semi-)automatically slotting stars based on your own rules! Gone are the days of forgetting to change out Backstabber on the vSS dragons.
- When you log in with this new version of the addon, a dialog will take you to the Custom Rules menu, where you can add, remove, and edit rules. Or, if you don't want to do the work, you can just import a whole suite of rules that I've defined for my own usage. Shortcut command: /dcp rules
- These custom rules allow you to automatically slot different stars in different zones, for example Treasure Hunter in dungeons, Gifted Rider in overland zones, and so on. In addition, rules can trigger off of specific bosses too, so you can have a rule that changes out Backstabber when encountering a Sunspire dragon, and then slots Backstabber back on after the dragon dies
- There are a lot of options, take a look yourself! This system is meant to slot "longer-term" stars based on your location. If you're looking for something that changes your green stars quickly, such as slotting Meticulous Disassembly when interacting with a crafting station, I would definitely recommend the addon Jack of all Trades which can be used in conjunction with Dynamic CP's custom rules

Depends on: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibDialog

Special thanks to @Raijindono for her help on UX and @camrenis for extensive testing and feedback!

Known Issues / Planned Features:
- If you don't have enough points to use a preset, it's not handled gracefully, it just won't work. Should use some sort of heuristics to use up as many of the points as possible
- Labels look overwhelming in the main zoomed out screen. Should hide them until zoomed in
- Show slottables with a different font/icon in changes list?
- Show pending changes on the labels
- Double clicking slottable to slot also triggers single click handler to add points into the star, if it's not already maxed
- Redo default presets so only one preset is needed, and it chooses stars in same priority
- Import/export presets
- Some way of knowing if the max points have been put into a star
- Add mouseover tooltips for the class and role icons?
- Option to only show presets menu when pulldown is expanded
- Possibly dock the Quickstars panel along with presets window on CP screen
- Show star in pulldown with a different format or icon or something if it's not committed?
- Add certain (user-specified?) "inactive" slottables to Quickstar menu even if no points are allocated into it, e.g. Backstabber, and ask user if they want to respec in order to slot that star
- Add subzone trigger for custom rules
- Maybe add slottables saving to presets
- Option to disable slottables pulldown
- No plans for full gamepad support
- Maybe localization eventually, but low priority
- etc...

Bug reports and feedback are appreciated
