This add-on provides a traditional MMORPG style multiple quest tracker, distributed under the Artistic License 2.0
In designing an alternative for the standard focus quest tracker, there are three things we wanted to improve with this add-on.

(1)To improve playability when you want to progress through the zone story and surrounding side quests in parallel.
(2)Provide a way to freely select which quests you want to see in the tracker without having to hit the T key repeatedly.
(3)Provide a different quest tracker option for new players who have migrated from other MMORPGs.

- If you are familiar with other MMORPG titles, are you looking for such a multiple quest tracker?

Needed libraries/dependencies:
- LibCInteraction (Bundled library)
- LibAddonMenu (Version 2.0r34 or later)
- LibCustumMenu (Version 7.2.1 or later)
- LibMediaProvider (Version 1.0 r24 or later)

- Display up to 15 quests based on character's recent quest-related activities.
- Pin your favorite quest to show all the time.
- Each quest can be hidden by ignore settings.
- Display optional steps and hints for quests.
- Quest Timer integration
- Improved functionality of the "Cycle Focused Quest" key

Tracker panel customization:
- panel visual options - title bar color / background color.
- Font options - font style / size / weight / color.
- Visibility options - in combat / in game menu scenes / in battleground.

This add-on is designed to be used in conjunction with the standard quest tracker and other quest tracker add-ons without conflicting with them.

Credits - Special thanks to:
- German translation by Baertram
- French translation by lexo1000
- Russian translation by Inzenieris#2546

  • The author prohibits the distribution of similar add-ons based on this add-on under a different license and credit.
  • The author does not wish others to distribute language patches for this add-on.
If you have translated the text for your language, please contact me for future integration.
