This addon will let you play chess against any other player with the addon (whisper @Drako-Ei if you want to play against me!)

How to play

  • Both players need to be grouped
  • Both players type /chess, one chooses white, other chooses black, then select the same channel
  • Click the start game button

Quick note

This is my first addon, i know there is a lot of improvement to do, i was planning some future updates if i get good feedback from the users, i made this addon because i want to be able to sit at a park, then having a stranger sit next to me, and have a friendly chess match, maybe even bet gold, or just make good friends/rivals thanks to this extraordinary game called chess, keep in mind that this addon wont prevent you from doing illegal movements (not yet!), so play with trustworthy friends, and dont forget to have fun!

Also send a whisper to @Drako-Ei (my elder scrolls account) if you have any questions you want to personally ask, or just want a chess match and the README file contains contact information, maybe i could use some help to make this awesome

Future features (if people happen to like my addon)

  • (DONE) Movement restriction (prevent doing illegal moves)
  • (DONE) Pawn promotion (choose between queen, rook, bishop or knight)
  • (DONE) Detect checkmates/stalemates
  • (DONE) A you win/lose/draw pop-up at the end
  • (DONE) Safer communication between addons (maybe via whisper?)
  • (DONE) Special movements like castling and en passant
  • Better GUI displaying the names and scores of each player
  • (ALMOST DONE) Chess invitations, give up option, ask for a draw
  • Being able to close the window, save games, have multiple games
  • Alternative resource packs
