ESO ChatMentions Addon

ChatMentions has been integrated into the pChat addon. Please uninstall the standalone ChatMentions and install pChat.

If somehow the current version of ChatMentions works for you, that's great... go ahead and keep using it! But I will no longer support the standalone ChatMentions.


IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ!! Version 2.0 and up REQUIRES that you separately install (via Minion, or downloading from the following libraries:


This addon can perform any of the following actions whenever your name (or part of your name, or any other custom string you wish) is typed in chat by a user:

- It can play a "ding" sound (the notification sound).
- It can ALL CAPS your name.
- It can change the color of your name.
- It can add an exclamation point icon next to your name.
- (If pChat is disabled) It can underline your name.

Version 1.1 fixes critical bug that caused it not to work correctly.
Version 1.2 eliminates the annoying warning message
Version 1.3 adds a "whole name" feature.
Version 1.4 fixes a Lua error when setting ALL CAPS to OFF.
Version 1.5 removes the libGarfield warning.

Version 2.0 (June 2019): Added support to "Watch" the messages of a user, which will highlight messages sent by someone else whether or not they mention you! This can be enabled by right-clicking a name in the chat window, or by typing /cmwatch followed by the user's @handle. Note that you may need to use /cmwatch Character Name instead of @handle if the watched user is not your friend or in any of your guilds.

Version 2.0 also fixes the case (capital/lowercase) of mentioned words when you have the Capitalize option off. Now the original casing will be preserved.

Most of the configuration is documented by pressing `ESC`, go to `Settings`, `Addons`, then `ChatMentions`. Hover over configuration items for detailed usage details in a tooltip.

However, there are four chat commands:

- `/cmadd <name>` - Add `name` to the *temporary* list of extra names to ping on. This list is deleted when your client exits, when you type `/reloadui`, or possibly when you zone.
- `/cmdel <name>` - Delete `name` from the *temporary* list of extra names to ping on.
- `/cmlist` - Print out the current list of names for which you will be pinged.
- `/cmwatch <name>` - See above release notes for Version 2.0.
