My first LUA. Type in chat window: /xxx -> toggle error display on/off. Type /yyy: ReloadGUI

new in version 0.07: The error message is disabled at startup.
new in version 0.08: Small text changes, unimportant errors fixed.
new in version 0.09: Small text changes, type /ccc and teleport to house Oberon ship.
new in version 0.10: type /hr and teleport to house Rèyne.
new in version 0.11: type /vvv and teleport to Lausebengel Gipfel.
new in version 0.12: type /se and teleport to Schubse Home. Update API.
new in version 0.13: nothing changed, version download problem solved.
new in version 0.14: nothing changed, version download problem hopefully solved.
new in version 0.15: API bump.
new in version 0.16: API bump.
new in version 0.17: API bump.
new in version 0.18: API bump.
new in version 0.19: API bump.
new in version 0.20: API bump.
new in version 0.21: API bump.
new in version 0.22: API bump.
new in version 0.23: API bump.

Very small preparation for group chat functions - type /ö, a test text appears in chat window.


I saw Baertram and another guy did the same thing:

I did not find it, so I made some simple LUA code.


Another great AddOn: BugCatcher by Werewolf Finds Dragon:

(Updated Version availible)
