
This is a simple addon to randomise the ready check in the game. Instead of the boring ‘Are you Ready?’ get a ready check selected from a catalogue.
Examples include ‘Art thou ready?’ and ‘I haven’t got all day, can we just go?’

Please make sure to choose the appropriate style for the group you are gaming with!

How to use

All features are accessed from the chat box using the slash command /ready or abbreviated to /rdy
The features are to be typed after the command, so for example “/ready 1”

Full list of commands

/ready – initiates a ready check in the default style (initially set to polite)
/ready 1 – Initiate a polite ready check
/ready 2 – Initiate a banter style ready check
/ready polite – sets the default ready check style to polite
/ready banter – sets the default ready check style to banter
/ready p – sets the default style to polite and initiates a ready check
/ready b – sets the default style to banter and initiates a ready check

If you add anything after the /ready command not on the list, that will become your one-off custom ready check. Eg typing the command ‘/ready this is a custom ready check, are you ready?’ will send a ready check with the message ‘this is a custom ready check, are you ready?’

Using the /vote command

If you use the /vote command, it will initiate a simple majority vote in game, there is a small list, the list of possible commands is below

/vote 1 – will send a vote with the text "Hey guys, we doing the skip?"
Anything else will send as a custom vote. Eg typing ‘/vote should we go left instead of right?’ will start a simple majority vote with the text ‘should we go left instead of right?’. ALL VOTES MUST HAVE A YES OR NO ANSWER
If you do not add anything after the command /vote, then no vote will occur

Want to contribute?

I have a discord server set up, and will happily take any suggestions you may want added to the ready check addon, the server can be found at https://discord.gg/WaCWfjc
