Clean My Chat

by @Tyx

A small addon for Elder Scrolls Online (no affiliation), to reduce messages in unknown languages from the chat window.

It filters each message if it contains forbidden characters like Spanish ("ñ", "¿", "¡", etc.), Nordic ("ø", "å"), Slavic ("ę", "ł", "ż", etc.), French ("é", "à", "œ", etc.), German (ä, ö, ü, etc.) or Cyrillic (б", "г", "ж", etc.).

You are also able to define your own filtered words or characters. For example, it could be also used to filter swear words not detected by ESO itself.


If you have the LibAddonMenu-2.0 installed, you will have access to the settings menu to define your own filters and set or unset the filter for predefined characters.

  • /cmc main command to open setting menu or show current settings
  • /cmc filter shows the defined custom characters
  • /cmc custom toggles the custom character filter
  • /cmc cyrillic toggles the Cyrillic character filter
  • /cmc french toggles the French character filter
  • /cmc german toggles the German character filter
  • /cmc nordic toggles the Nordiccharacter filter
  • /cmc slavic toggles the Slavic character filter
  • /cmc spanish toggles the Spanish character filter

It is tested and created to work with pChat or the default chat system.
