Have you ever wanted to make your chat window stay up and not having to re-open it everytime you go vendoring some junk?
Or bring it specifically up at the crafting station so that you can keep your eye on your friend or customer as you craft something for them?

Well, now you can!

This addon will allow you to specify chat behavior for each of the supported types of interaction and set them to one of three modes:
  • Keep the chat - will preserve previous state of the chat prior to state change caused by an event (such as interacting with a crafting station or a bank).
  • Hide the chat - will hide the chat while interacting and then will bring it back up if it wasn't hidden.
  • Show the chat - will show the chat while interacting and then will hide it afterwards if it wasn't visible before.

And as for the supported interactions, here's the full list of them:
  • Merchants (both world NPCs and assistants)
  • Banks
  • Guild Banks
  • Guild Stores
  • Crafting stations (and assistants such as Giladil the Ragpicker)
  • Outfit Stations
  • Stables
  • Armory station and Armory assistants
  • Preview menus (such as Crown Store, Outfit Styles menu)
  • Scrying (Antiquarian's Eye)
  • Excavating (Digging an antiquity)
  • Tales of Tribute

It is also possible to completely enable or disable event handling for each type of interaction, leaving the original behavior unaltered by the addon.
