:: I am no longer playing/developing anything for ESO. This addon may continue to work fine, but please use at your own risk as it will not receive further updates. If any addon developers would like to take over this project, please let me know. ::

Apologies for any inconveniences to anyone, it's been a lot of fun over the years. ❤

All the best,
Scorp (scorpius2k1)

VERSION 1.1 (Flames Of Ambition)
*Requires LibAddonMenu 2.0 as a dependency to work, please ensure you have it installed!

[!] Discontinued
For this and more advanced blocking features and options, check out AdBlock Plus!

.: Guild AdBlock :.

Block Guild Advertisement Spam!

Filters all guild advertisements from zone chat
  • No more zone chat guild spam!
  • Displays "Blocked Advertisement!" in chat whenever an advertisement is blocked
  • Guild information is still shareable if you are in any other type of chat (group, whisper, guild, etc)
  • Optionally disable notifications in settings when an advertisement is blocked (silent operation)

*To see blocked advertisement count for the current session, type /gab

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