:: I am no longer playing/developing anything for ESO. This addon may continue to work fine, but please use at your own risk as it will not receive further updates. If any addon developers would like to take over this project, please let me know. ::

Apologies for any inconveniences to anyone, it's been a lot of fun over the years. ❤

All the best,
Scorp (scorpius2k1)

English | Deutsche | Français | Pусский
Compatible with pChat, rChat

VERSION 1.7 (Lost Depths)
*Requires LibAddonMenu 2.0 as a dependency to work, please ensure you have it installed!

Scorps AdBlock Plus

Block Chat Advertisements, Spam, & More!

Take Back Control Of Your Chat With Advanced Filtering And Features
  • Fully Customizable Chat Filtering!
  • Achievements (Trials, Skins, Mounts, Skyreach, etc)
  • Automated Group Requests (Dolmen, World Boss, etc), Single Characters (x, y, z, etc)
  • Crown Sales/Trades
  • Group (LFM, LFG, etc)
  • Guild Advertisements
  • Item (WTS, WTB, Price Check, etc)
  • Web & Discord Links
  • Monitor Options for Zone, Yell, Whisper, Say, Group, Guild, and Emote Chat Channels
  • Advanced blocking with Optional Aggressive Filtering and Custom Word List
  • Presets for predefined instant blocking/filtering options
  • Blocked Notifications in Chat or Completely Silent Operation
  • Block Friend Logged On/Off Notifications
  • Viewable Live Detailed Blocked History Window
  • Quick Slash Commands* to access blocked history and addon settings

*History Window slash command /abp
*Settings Menu slash command /abps
*To disable chat notifications in settings, set "Blocked Notification" to "OFF".
*To disable friend logged on/off chat notifications in settings, set "Friend Status Notifications" to "OFF".

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