Some of the NPC say/yells started to annoy me. So I tried a couple addons. But they shut up most NPCs and the game started to feel empty to me.

So instead this Addon keeps track of the last 20 NPC yell/say (Struga,...) and allows you to mute selected dialogues by an NPC. Or all their Voice Overs.

This only works for NPC yell/say. Not for Quest Giver Interface Voice Over.

Requires Lib-AddonMenu-2.0

- I have not tested this with 100s of muted dialogues/NPCs so no guarantee about performance in this case. Would be suprised though if it were an issue.
- In the background this works by setting the volume of the VoiceOver audio channel to 0 for a calculated duration based on dialogue length. If another NPC dialogue starts or is ongoing during this period. It will be muted too. If my formula calculation gives to short a duration. The end of the muted conversation would be heard again.
