Nyght’s Notebook is a simple way to make a note of things you don’t wish to forget and recall later.
Each character has their own notebooks.

This notebook is done entirely through the chat system and there is no ‘interface’ for it.

The simple tool only uses 3 commands.

1) Adding a note to a notebook is done with the command:
/nn+ <notebook name>:<note to record>
IE. /nn+ food:flour

A Colon is used to separate the name of the notebook from the note to leave.

2) Removing a note from a notebook is done with the command:
/nn- <notebook name>:<note to record>
IE. /nn- food:flour

An entire notebook can be deleted with an * for the note.
IE. /nn- food:*

Note: Deleting all the notes does not delete the notebook.

3) Viewing Notes (to recall what notes you have entered in a notebook) is done with the command:
/nn <notebook name>
IE. /nn food:

Note: EACH note that was added will appear on a separate line in chat.
For example if you do the following:
/nn+ food:flour
/nn+ foodotato
/nn+ food:scrib jelly
Then do:
/nn food
You will see the following in chat:
Notebook: ‘food’
scrib jelly

But, if instead you did this:
/nn+ food: flour, potato, and scrib jelly
Then do:
/nn food
You will see the following in chat:
Notebook: ‘food’
flour, potato, scrib jelly

Viewing All Notebook Names (to recall what notebooks you have created) is done with the command:

Please understand, creating this add-on was just a simple way for me to easily see what food, ingredients, gear and other things I was collecting.
It can be convenient for any kind of note keeping, including your own personal notes about other players/guilds.

It really is meant to be just a simple notebook.

That being said – remember, spelling will matter. If you make a typo when adding an item to a list you’ll have to delete the item by spelling it with the typo.
You might get an extra list with a typo.
Trying to remove things may generate the error that it could not be found if you make a mistake in spelling.
THIS INCLUDES CASE. IE. Food is not the same as food.

Because this is entirely in the chat system I recommend setting up a tab that has all chat options disabled so you only see the output from the add-on and not from other chats.
At least while you are creating initial notebooks.
