About XAM's Toolbox

This addon is a collection of useful features I feel are missing from the game. It's currently in its early stages of development and only have one feature at the moment.
All features are turned OFF by default so the user can choose themselves what they want to use from the addon. With the exception of advanced eso settings, since it reads values from currently loaded ESO settings anyway.

  • Advanced ESO Settings
    • A bunch of hidden settings, mostly graphical but also some minor tweaks to the client.
  • Automatically Re-charging of Gear
    • Adjustable charge threshold in percent.
    • Choose how often your gear is checked.
    • Choose if you want a notification whenever a gear piece is recharged.
If you want a feature not a lot of other addons already provide, please leave a comment with a suggestion for that feature.

Settings can be found under Settings > Addons > XAM's Toolbox or by typing /xtb

This addon is requires these libraries:
