Required libraries: LibAddonMenu


Another Andy.s inspired addon! I'm beginning to sense a theme here...

This addon adds a bar to your screen that shows the remaining time on your global cooldown after doing anything that affects it. This allows you to get a better idea of when your game is ready to take the next action input, even when you may not be able to see your character's animation clearly.

To make it clear, this addon does not track cast times or channel times, only the global cooldown.

To see the basic functionality, take a look at Andy's original version in his video (it's the red bar in the bottom center).

There is also an option to enable the Action Bar GCD animations that the game already has, but doesn't seem to include a setting for (other than a slash command). There are also options for size/position/color of the bar obviously. When it's unlocked, moving it can sometimes be a little weird, but it works trust me, just keep clicking. I swear. It definitely works. Usually.
