TL;DR: install the addon, quickly press light attacks and skills multiple times (aka spam), enjoy perfect weaving.

Want to weave light attacks as fast as Liko, but always missing a few of them? Tired of double casting your scalding rune or boneyard? Worry no more! This addon won't let you use a next skill in your rotation until you've done a light attack. Without going into technical details, which you can find below, just try spamming light attack button and a skill simultaneously on a dummy and see how it works.

What you should know about weaving in ESO:

Global cooldown (GCD) for skills is 1000ms. By default, after using a skill you can queue another one in 400ms, and it will fire automatically when GCD is over. If you try to queue two skills, then only the last one will be fired. This is the reason of missing light attacks (LA), because LA is also a skill. The addon can prevent you from queueing a skill while there is a queued LA. That skill won't fire off automatically, so you need to press its button multiple times until GCD allows it. There is also a ping-dependant part of GCD, and the addon tries to adjust to your game latency, but if you have really unstable ping, then you can try setting the length of this part manually, though it's hardly possible to weave perfectly with bad ping anyway.

If you want to queue skills without light attacks sometimes, then set addon mode to "Soft" in the settings, but it will increase the chance of missing a light attack.

To get the most of the addon you need to change your rotation to something like this: LA -> press Skill 2-3 times -> press LA 2-3 times -> press skill 2-3 times -> ... It is to ensure that skills go off right after GCD is over.

Known issues:

Weaving some channeled skills might not be perfect, because all of them are different and I'll need more time to test. When you block, dodge and interrupt your rotation in other ways, then don't expect this addon to keep up with you. If you have vampire toggle in your first skill slot, then don't.

If you've suddenly become much better at weaving, then consider supporting my work by clicking the Donate button above, since I'm pretty much inactive in ESO and rarely spend my free time doing fun stuff like this.
