Currently Equipped displays your currently equipped sets, as well as their completion status, in a color coded format. It allows you to, at a glance, determine whether your setup is correct or not, without having to mouse into the inventory and hover over pieces to check for set bonuses.

It's especially intended for use with addons like Dressing Room and Wizard's Wardrobe, that can, at times, fail to correctly swap your gear, leaving you with missing pieces and incomplete sets. Never start a pull again only to realize that your backbar has two-handed skills, but a destruction staff equipped!

The addon differentiates between completed sets (green), incomplete sets (red, except monster sets), and "overcompleted" sets and monster sets (yellow, as occasionally this is intentional).

All colors are modifiable. Settings allow you to toggle the UI lock, display the addon only in trial and arena instances, hide the display in combat, and set a delay for hiding the display in combat in places like BRP where the window between combat pulls may be very small.

/ce -- Open the settings
/cereset -- Force reset the GUI (there is a keybind option as well as a button in settings to do this, should a bug occer)

-The addon does not differentiate between "Perfected" and "Non-Perfected" as these set bonuses are shared, and their setID's are the same
-The addon will select the highest value for your equipped status from each bar. For example, having 5 pieces of a set complete on front bar, and 6 on the back bar, will show 6/5 on the display.


Feel free to contact me if you have questions, comments, or suggestions!
