Version 0.9, there are a few things i still want to improve before i would like to call it 1.0.

This addon shows a calculator for your penetration when you type /pen.
With this calculator you can see how much pen you will have based on the gear, skills, passives and debuffs. With it it also displays the damage you lose when you have this amount of penetration, and how much damage you would gain when you would get the cap.
Currently it only works for the 18200 PEN and for PvE, the PvP calculations and other pen values are not yet supported.

This addon started as a test, just to see if i could make something like this. I'm only creating the addons in my free time and because i like it.

What does this addon do:
  • Shows a calculator for penetration on the /pen command in the chat
  • Calculates the pen you would need based on your inputs in the calculator
  • Shows how much dmg you lose, based on the dmg in the tooltip of a skill
  • Shows how much dmg you would gain, based on the dmg you do right now, when you would reach the cap
  • Tooltips for items ending with a *

Functions I'm considering adding:
  • Button to the calculator in bandits DONE
  • Reset to defaults DONE
  • Saving position and values
  • Configurable Pen needed
  • PvP calculations
  • Some more....

If i add any of these functions depends on my time, how much i need them and how popular the addon gets... No promises!

  • None (yet...)

Currently this addon doesn't support controllers.

This add-on is made as a hobby project in my free time. I'm not a professional developer. I can't promise (regular) updates, (quick) bug fixes, that the add-on is bug free or 100% optimized. I however did my best to make it as useful as possible. This is also why I included the "AS IS" notice in the folder. I hope however that this add-on will be useful to someone.
