
Completionist's Lists 作者: rosadogg

This is an addon for those that like to make lists and graphs in excel / open office calculator / google sheets or any other place you can import CSV files to!Export Lists in CSV format of your currently logged in character known Motifs, Provisioning Rec

SimpleXPBar (2021) 作者: MadBuffoon

I fixed the addon from "https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info...mpleXPBar.html"I dont take credit for the base mod.I just did a crude fix to get it working and add commas to numbers.A very Customize-able, very Simple Experience and Level bar.Currently

ESO Grinder 作者: marcjordan

# INTRODUCTIONESO Grinder (EGR) has two components:- EGR "ESO Grinder" is an Elder Scrolls Online addon that monitors loot and saves it to the user's ESO save file.- ESFM "Elder Scrolls Save File Monitor" is Python code that monitors the ESO user save

Unknown Insight 作者: zelenin

- inspired by kadeer's Unknown Tracker but written from scratch- tracks knowledge of in-game items like motives, style pages, recipes (food/drink and furnishing) and collectible runeboxes- adds icon to inventory and extended info to tooltip- allows you

ERA's Collection Book 作者: WildEra

ERA's Collection Book is an addon that aims to improve the lives of all collectors in Tamriel by adding a tracking window of every collectibles unlockable at the moment in the game.Features:Dynamic tracking of all unlockable collectibles of every collec