
CraftBagger 作者: Cuhlen

CraftBaggerThe CraftBagger addon is an Elder Scrolls Online utility with a singular purpose: To export the contents of your craftbag(s) to disk so that the data can be pulled into Excel or other tools for analysis.This addon uses the following optional

Slash 404 作者: CaptainBlagbird

ESO Grinder 作者: marcjordan

# INTRODUCTIONESO Grinder (EGR) has two components:- EGR "ESO Grinder" is an Elder Scrolls Online addon that monitors loot and saves it to the user's ESO save file.- ESFM "Elder Scrolls Save File Monitor" is Python code that monitors the ESO user save

SkyShards 作者: AssemblerManiac

Marcus' Guild Management Tool (Poukav CLI) 作者: Marcus Brody

Supported Languages (scrollez vers le bas pour la documentation FR) Dependencies:LibAddonMenuLibHistoireMasterMerchantOptional dependencies:TamrielTradeCenterCOMING SOON: FULL GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE WITH ALL THE PREVIOUS CLI FEATURES AND MORE!! Addon

Price Tooltip Note (Item Note) (+Gamepad) 作者: Mladen90

Note addon to better focus items. Operations are made with right-click on the Item.This is a standalone addon and also an extension for PriceTooltip addon which is already includedDownload library: LibAddonMenu LibCustomMenuFeatures:Create / Edit / Delet

SimpleXPBar (2021) 作者: MadBuffoon

I fixed the addon from "https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info...mpleXPBar.html"I dont take credit for the base mod.I just did a crude fix to get it working and add commas to numbers.A very Customize-able, very Simple Experience and Level bar.Currently

Log Window (Clean Chat) 作者: Mladen90

AddOn for moving AddOn Logs to a new Log Window.Available slash commands:/logw_lock_toggle -> Lock / Unlock the Log Window/logw_reset -> Reset the AddOn Data/logw_hide_toggle -> Hide / Show the Log Window (Show does not work if Main Chat is mi

Monster Set Shoulder Collector 作者: Thepinja

Adds several chat commands that display the amount of monster set shoulder pieces are currently in your collections and what the chance is you will unlock a new piece by opening each coffer. This allows you to spend your keys and Tel Var in the most effic