
Recount 作者: Fayn

Saved Variables Manager 作者: andy.s

This addon provides 3 main features:Move addon settings from one character to another.Fix saved variables after renaming your account.Remove unneeded data from saved variables.First and foremost, always make a backup of your SavedVariables folder bef

Simple Skyshards 作者: Alianym

Welcome to Simple Skyshards!Like the name implies this is a no-fuss custom implementation of Skyshards on the map (zone, delve, etc.). It works well with Votan's Minimap and AUI's minimap. It'll also work with Map Pins, you'll just obviously need to dis

SimpleDPS Meter 作者: ProjectileRage

This is a modest and simple DPS meter. Aimed at an easily usable/configured meter with efficient and accurate personal fight statistics, this standalone addon will allow you to see your DPS, percentage damage dealt, and total damage dealt for your current

SimpleXPBar (2021) 作者: MadBuffoon

I fixed the addon from "https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info...mpleXPBar.html"I dont take credit for the base mod.I just did a crude fix to get it working and add commas to numbers.A very Customize-able, very Simple Experience and Level bar.Currently

SkyShards 作者: AssemblerManiac

Slash 404 作者: CaptainBlagbird