
J2E 作者: 2ch

ITTs Donation Bot ( ITTDB ) 作者: ghostbane

Dependencies: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibChatMessage LibGuildRoster LibHistoire LibDebugLoggerLanguages: EN, RU, DE, FROther Addons from ITT:ITTs Roster Bot- Keeps on top of guild rostersITTs Ghostwriter - Backup notes, send welcome mail, set note for newcomer

Item Set Collection Tracker 作者: zelenin

Addon utilising new ESO feature - item set collections / sticker book.Item Set Collection Tracker adds:inventory iconguild store icontrade window iconchat iconloot notificationsoverall progress barautobind optionnative ui fixesslash commands /pos

History 作者: hisdad

GuildPlanner.Pro Data Exporter 作者: Gelmir

GuildPlanner.Pro Data Exporter Add-on.This addon exports player data to be uploaded to our website - GuildPlanner.Pro.After installing our Desktop Addon Client (can be found at GuildPlanner.Pro after signing up), the export LUA file of this addon will