TbagCounter is the real end-game tool you need in your group raids. It is capable of tracking the tbags on your group members as long you are in the same instance as them.

When your lovely ally is dead on the floor waiting for a resurrect, you go on top of him and then press CTRL key to crouch and get up, this is known as a Tbag. It's used to show respect for that player, you should resurrect him right after.

There is only 4 basic commands at the moment:
  • /tbag - Displays the top tbaggers in your group.
  • /tbagged - Displays the top tbag victims.
  • /tbagreset - Resets the tbag counts.
  • /tbagconfig - Opens the addon settings.

The only available setting at the moment is configuration of the chat notifications for the tbags. You can enable a chat message for each TBag on a player (super spam), only the first TBag on someone's death, or to disable all chat notifications.

1. The TBag counts will reset on reloadui/logout/crash.
2. When someone dies, even if you perform multiple tbags on that death, it will only count as one.

Thanks to @has_wares for reaching me on reddit and asking to update the add-on while providing the code.
