A very, very basic mod for logging all subtitles and menu-based dialogue. Log output is displayed in a textbox in a LibAddonMenu-2 panel with all logged content formatted in UESP-suitable wiki-markup. This means that dialogue will tend to look like this:

:''"Hello! I am an example NPC with example dialogue.<br/> How are you?"''
:'''I'm fine.'''
:'''What, you couldn't be bothered to go and find an actual example from the game, Cobb?'''

Player selected: "I'm fine."

:''"That's great to hear!"''
:'''So what happens if there's only one dialogue option?'''
:''"When you pick it, the next dialogue just gets smoothly appended to the previous."''
Subtitles will tend to look like this:

:'''Cobb:''' ''"This is ambient dialogue!"''
Dialogue is not saved, so /reloadui or anything similar will clear the log. The textbox does not always update properly when you open the LibAddonMenu-2 panel because that library isn't well-suited to anything that isn't an options menu (wow it's almost like it's meant for that specific purpose), so you may have to click the provided "update" button to get any new recorded text to appear.

You'll have to pay attention to the log output and prune it.

The add-on is provided as-is and licensed under Creative Commons 0 i.e. it's public domain or the closest legal equivalent in your jurisdiction.
