Welcome to The Questing Guide (TQG)!

ESO's story content keeps expanding, and with each new Chapter comes a new tutorial and beginner experience. It doesn't always do the best job of introducing you to past content however, and that's where TQG comes in. Featuring an easy-to-use interface, simply set up a keybind in CONTROLS, and you're good to go. Press to open, press to close. It's that simple! (Or alternatively use the slash command /tqg to toggle the menu open/closed)

At the moment there are three primary tabs as you can see in the screenshots:
  1. Overview
  2. Classic Stories
  3. DLC and Chapter Stories
  4. Group Content (Dungeons, Trials, and Arenas)
A list of quests compiled from both Zenimax's Zone Guide and LibUespQuestData, you'll find each major storyline in the game listed in chronological order, (defaulting to order of content release), where you can follow along or even check off your list you may have left uncompleted years ago.

Each major category, (Aldmeri Dominion, Fighters Guild, Daedric War, etc.), is preceded by a number indicating its overall place in the story. Within each major category is a subcategory where each zone or DLC is listed according to its place within the major category arc. For example;

(1) Aldermeri Dominion
(1.00) Khenarthi's Roost
(1.10) Auridon

Embedded in the GUI interface is a button that ties directly to the Zone Story function allowing you to instantly zoom to your current place in that zone. That means even if you've finished every major quest in the zone, you'll be directed to Points-of-Interest you have yet to complete, (maybe directly to side-quests in a far future update), or other objectives left in the region.

Now works in German, French, and Russian clients. Should also support Japanese and Simplified Chinese. Quest Names and Zone Descriptions are translated, Completed Quest Descriptions and the Overview page are not all done, yet. Let me know if you'd like to help, even just with translating the Overview page.

Required Libraries:

Future Ideas
– Add a button similar to the one for Zone Stories for accepting Dungeon Quests, where the requisite DLC has been purchased by the user.
– Add an "Easter Eggs" type of section for each major arc, detailing hidden stories or recurring characters.

Please feel free to leave feedback and/or suggestions in the comments.
