This AddOn saves history of dialogues, subtitles, books/notes and quest items. Saved data can be displayed with /storysaver command or special keybind in settings

AddOn allows you to:
  • Read saved dialogues with all options and previously selected option (if was)
  • Read saved subtitles
  • Read saved books/notes
  • Browse saved quest items
  • Show place of event on map
  • Remove event
  • Remove duplicates
  • Filter events by type
  • Fulltext search of events
  • Sort events

  • LibGPS
  • LibMapPing (optional, although LibGPS requires LibMapPing)

  • Reading book/note from Lore Library will add new event to history

EXE (executable) and PY (source code) for unused cache cleanup. Located in bin folder. Until it is not completely tested, backup SavedVariables/StorySaver.lua before use!

There are times when simply no time/desire/effort to read dialogues or notes (for example in group dungeons). In this case, you would like not to lose plot thread and be able to restore it later. Or when you just want to remember quest or phrase referenced by NPC. AddOn functionality will help you with this

In future i will consider possibility of adding batch deletions and auto-deleting events after a certain number of days have passed
