Counts chests lockpicked in each zone and tracks chest quality. Optional GUI that also displays lockpicks remaining and overland set collection %.

Optional Dependency: LibCustomMenu

v1.16 update adds bulk-auto-opening Mirri boxes feature! Iterates over inventory, finds and opens Mirri boxes. Right-click on a Mirri box to start!

  • Counts chests lockpicked in current zone.
  • Tracks chest quality across Master, Advanced, Intermediate, Simple
  • Accountwide count to enable chest farming on alts.
  • Auto-open Mirri boxes
  • Live GUI or Hide and run in background.

Supported slash commands:
  • "/chestfarmer" or "/cf" toggles GUI.
  • "/chestfarmer stats" or "/cf stats" prints Historical stats to chat.
  • "/chestfarmer reset" or "/cf reset" resets chests opened count for current zone.

Works for:
  • Overland
  • Delves
  • Public Dungeons

Does not work for:
  • Safeboxes
  • Treasure Map chests
  • Group Dungeons
  • Trials
