Join my addon Discord server to discuss Endeavor Tracker! -
NEW! Endeavor History to track all your completed endeavors!

**Now available in French, German, Russian, and Japanese!**

An addon that displays your daily and weekly endeavors within a single panel, as well as your progress for each endeavor.

  • View your progress on both daily and weekly endeavors (updated automatically)
  • Receive chat notifications of endeavor progress
  • View your total Seals of Endeavor within the addon (click to open the Seals of Endeavor store)
  • Show/hide daily/weekly endeavor sections
  • Track specific endeavors by selecting them (will be displayed even if the section is minimized)

If the endeavors aren't displaying correctly, click the "Refresh" button to force an update.

Endeavor History

Click the history button or type /ethistory to see all your completed daily and weekly endeavors, and various endeavor-related statistics.

Settings and customization options
  • Automatically display the addon panel based on missing endeavors
  • Toggle the shortcut icon on/off
  • Toggle checkboxes on/off
  • Show/hide the time remaining until endeavors reset (depending on how you like your UI)
  • Automatically hide completed daily/weekly endeavor sections
  • Enable/disable chat notifications when progress is made on individual endeavors
  • Show/hide the background texture
  • Customize the colors of the text displayed within the addon panel

Slash commands:
  • /et - Toggles the Endeavor Tracker panel
  • /ethistory - Show/hide Endeavor History
  • /etreset - Resets the button and panel to their default positions

If you run into any issues with the addon or have any feature requests, please leave me a comment!

- Lari
