
eso-manifest 作者: AlbinoPython

eso-manifestGenerates a manifest file for Elder Scrolls Online. Available:npm - Latest stablegit - Sources and deploymentesoui - Sources published for visibility.InstallCode:npm install -g eso-manifestCommand LineSave configuration to `example

ESOLua 作者: sirinsidiator

ESOLua is a fork of Lua 5.1 with modifications for Elder Scrolls Online. The goal of this project is to provide a runtime that can be used to test AddOns for the game outside the game client. It won't be possible to provide all the functionality of the ga

zipme.ps1 作者: manavortex

Script breaks MinionFor some reason, zip files created with this script won't be correctly processed by Minion. I'll leave this here so folks can investigate.A powershell script that zips the current directory to a destination of your choice, excluding

Bash: Zip addon directory 作者: manavortex

Script breaks MinionFor some reason, zip files created with this script won't be correctly processed by Minion. I'll leave this here so folks can investigate.A bash script to compress a (not hidden) folder to <AddonName>_<version>.zipLoop v

esoui-publish 作者: AlbinoPython

esoui-publishA simple node utility that will publish addons to ESOUI.I do not recommend installing from esoui. This only contains the source code and would need to be built. I recommend installing this utility from NPMJS.You can find the latest source