Gift me @phuein in-game, if you have extra crowns and appreciate my addons. (Can even ask which DLC I missed.) Thank you!

This is not a game addon and it does nothing meaningful.

  • LibAddonMenu-2.0 >= 28

This is a template for new addons. I often use these features when making or upgrading an addon. It is intended to be a "blank slate" to work with quickly and efficiently. Easier to remove a few code blocks, than it is to write them from scratch.

Included in this template are the following:
  • Manifest.
  • Keybinding.
  • LibAddonMenu-2.0 with all the default menu options.
  • Multiple language support.
  • Chat output, an animated announcement (center), and an alert (top-right.)
  • A slash command: "/newaddon".
  • Colors.
  • XML UI elements.
  • Notification when loaded for the first time.
  • Events handled: EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, EVENT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED, zo_callLater() [which uses RegisterForUpdate().]
  • Toggle savedVars per character or account-wide.

More useful features can be added in time. I welcome all code input, improvements, and requests. I suggest opening all of the project's files together (except the external libraries,) to see how they interact; from language, to hotkeys, to menus.

Writing addons shouldn't be about hunting for code online, but rather focusing on functionality and aesthetics.
