This is a Test

This Test addon will display a Test window, which changes with each ESO zone you are in.
The program can also be used as a skeleton for initially starting other addons.

This addon covers the following areas of ESO addons:
- manifest file
- separation of lua files
- key binding in settings->controls
- window display
- LibStub & LibAddonMenu-2.0 with all the default menu options.
- settings->addons entry
- saving data
- loading data, initial data
- Multiple language support
- Chat output, an animated announcement (center)
- slash commands, "/fstest" for more info
- Colors
- XML UI elements
- Notification when loaded for the first time ever
- Events handled: EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, EVENT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED, zo_callLater()

- LibAddonMenu-2.0 - Provides settings menus for addons
- LibFsCommons - Functions to print system messages

Based on Addons:
- Hello World
- New Addon
