
RUfix for Daily Alchemy (discontinued) 作者: awfuldead

RU(translit): Vsem kto pol'zovalsja spasibo, vsem komu prigodilsja pozhalujsta!) Avtor vse ispravil, dannyj fiks bol'she ne nuzhen! UDALITE ego ili prosto obnovite dlja avto-otkljuchenija!EN: Thank you to everyone who enjoyed it, everyone who came in han

ESO Language Overrider [DISCONTINUED] 作者: Hevnokaaz

UPDATE: Moved to Tools & Utilities category -> https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info2655-ESOLanguageOverrider.htmlHi!This addon simply replace the item's tooltip name in any language for the original english item name.Still WIP, feel free to ask

[DISCONTINUED] Aenathel's String Search Fix 作者: Aenathel

THIS ADD-ON IS NO LONGER NECESSARY!This add-on fixes a bug in the ZO_StringSearch.Process function that can break the UI completely.This is currently only necessary if you use an add-on that enables the inventory search box, such as Votan's Search Box.

LootLog LibChatMessage 作者: wambo

This is an small Update that changes the function that LootLog uses to print to the chat.This uses the LibChatMessage Library which replaces the System Message command which is meant for debugging purposes and the likes.This version depends on the Libra