
Workaround for Encounter Log Crashes 作者: code65536

NOTE: This is only a temporary workaround, not a fix. This addon should be removed once ZOS fixes the crash bug.2022/12/05: The crash bug should be fixed, so this addon is now obsolete; the addon will now display an in-game message asking the user to uni

Notebook2018 JpTranslation 作者: snorunt361

Notebook2018 のその他ファイルにあります。This is contained within other file page.これは翻訳ファイルを追加するだけであり、日本語環境での不具合等に対応するものではありません。This is a patch f

I Was Blocking 作者: branddi

ADDON NO LONGER NEEDED THIS BUG WAS PATCHED BY ZOSAddon to help deal with the block bug of U36 (Firesong), this addon will likely not be needed after ZoS patches the bug.Will remind the player to re-block if they were blocking before a dodge roll.Optio