
Bash: Zip addon directory 作者: manavortex

Script breaks MinionFor some reason, zip files created with this script won't be correctly processed by Minion. I'll leave this here so folks can investigate.A bash script to compress a (not hidden) folder to <AddonName>_<version>.zipLoop v

DEPRECATED: Lykeion's Siphoning Strikes... 作者: Lykeion

If you ever pressed Siphoning Strikes (or any of its morphs) before the last one ended, this is for you.Strange this addon has not been created so I have to create it myself :/

DEPRECATED Sauhaufen 作者: m00nyONE

WARNING - i do not maintain this addon anymore because i left the guild it was ment for. If someone wants to take it or maintain it, just let me know.Das Sauhaufen AddonWARNING: THIS IS A GUILD INTERNAL ADDON.IF YOU ARE NOT MEMBER OF THE GUILD "Sauhaufe