
Bash: Zip addon directory 作者: manavortex

Script breaks MinionFor some reason, zip files created with this script won't be correctly processed by Minion. I'll leave this here so folks can investigate.A bash script to compress a (not hidden) folder to <AddonName>_<version>.zipLoop v

/wiki 作者: fruckert

Allows you to search UESP.net directly from the chat window. Heavily inspired by Guild Wars 2's /wiki chat command.Future plans: Chat link parsing.

My Build Added Skill View 作者: tenderlunar_yp

Super Star is done and i found 'My Build' addon, but it can't show skills so i added skill view.Tips: change your bar and press refresh button.

PL Patch (Optional) for AUI - Advanced UI 作者: EmiruTegryfon

Opis nie zawiera polskich znakow. Mininon nie wspiera polskich znakowPolski patch (Opcjonalny) dla add-onu AUI - Advanced UIOpcjonalny patch niwelujący błędy wyświetlania: EsoPL----Instrukcja----1. Aby zainstalowac patch musisz posiadac sciagniety

ChampionPointsProfiler 作者: fabian96de

ChampionPointsProfiler (CPP) is a very simple addon to load and save your champion point configurations.=== USAGE ===Goto addon settings or type "/cpp-menu" to open the settings for CPP.Save your current champion points:Click on the "Save" tab and type

Ordo [DISCONTINUED] 作者: JRCandeias

Features:Simple addon that will tell your group when alkosh is up and when to send synergies to your tank when alkosh is down. It will pop up a message for either situations:"Alkosh up! Push! Push! Push!""Give tank synergies"It also displays a messag

Piece of Candy 作者: marlonbrando

Piece of Candy is a PVP group coordinator.This add-on requires the separate installation of these libraries:LibAddonMenu-2.0LibChatMessageLibCombatLibDebugLoggerLibGPSLibMapPingFeatures:Players sorted by order of ultimate acquisitionCombat stat

Group Typing Indicator 作者: Tactitocalon

Displays which group members (with this addon installed) are currently typing a chat message.This was designed for roleplaying in mind, but can be used for other purposes, like coordinating a trial in chat, or figuring out what your ERP partner is really

Memento Bar (Replaced by: Collection bars) 作者: Jarth

Note: I made a new addon (CollectionBars) to replace thisone, so i don't plan to update/maintain this addon.This addon will allow you to show mementos on a hotbar and execute them by clicking on the corresponding image.The addon can be customized throug