
Assist Rapid Riding - (Discontinued) - c... 作者: kafeijao

This patch should fix everything you need to make this addon usable in Murkmire. This is a temporary fix until cloudor (original creator) comes back, which he said he would.I will just try to keep it working until that, I do not plan to add features.

Event Tickets (w/ Golden plunder cooldow... 作者: kafeijao

This makes NA/EU server cooldowns to not interfere with each other.Attention: You will lose your current cooldown info if you use this version.This change will be added to the main addon when the witches festival ends. Just made a patch and not an update

CraftingNote 作者: Goeleng

CraftingNote shows you a note of items you have to build for your daily quest when you are using a crafting station. You can move the note to your preferred location. Default position of the note is top right.It is very similair to "Khrill Crafting Post-

Cyrodiil Tick Timer 作者: FullHeart

This addon adds a clock for displaying countdown to next tick.Modified from CyrHUD https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info559-CyrHUD.htmlKnown bugs - if you leave Cyrodiil, the addon will break. I recommend just turning the addon off outside Cyro until I p

Ultibomb 作者: ghostbane

Ulti addon for High Latency.This is not in public production, this is just a holding place for a guild addon. Use at your own discretion.Many great public supported Ulti addons are available:Sanct's Ultimate OrganiserPiece of CandyTaos Group UltimateTu

Patchs LostTreasure ES by Kelsucristo 作者: ElKel

Esta es la traducción al Castellano del Addon: Lost Treasure.Presenta ciertos problemas que se irán puliendo con el tiempo, si encuentra algún problema por favor comuníquemelo. "Este addon tiene como objetivo principal colocar un pin para cada m

Sell Items 作者: Zocker1996

Sells all, lower level, ornate, white or green items (Weapons, Armor, Glyphs, Jewelry) in the inventory to the merchant on button click. Since I accidentally sold my soulgems and pots only weapon, armor, glyphs and jewelry are sold.Usefull when grinding

The Hall Of Valor 作者: kawright129

The Hall of Valor Addon allows you to easily paste a link that takes someone directly to your character's highest DPS parse for the current patch.This addon adds a new command (/hov) to the chat which will automatically generate the appropriate link for

Asylum Sanctorium Status Panel Settings... 作者: init3

Adds a settings menu to easily adjust notification settings for the Asylum Sanctorium Status Panel addon by code65536This is just a patch to the addon and you will still need to have Code's original addon installed and enabled to use this.Version 1.2.0

Death Log 作者: init3

Tracks deaths, and provides information about the ability that killed the playersButtons from left to right:1: Clears the log2: Pins the window on your screen3: Minimize/Maximize the window4: Close the window/deathlog - Toggles the deathlog window o