Originally, Stoned was simply going to tell the user which mundas stone to use, but over time it has evolved into the game's first major in game theory crafting addon.

You can use it to quickly see how much dps you will gain/lose from any number of choices. For example, you can see with your choice of trial buffs (all the basic ones I could think of including NMG, war horn, sunder flame, Torug crushing enchant, etc) whether you are better off using Hundings or Two fanged.

Special thanks goes to the people who've helped me every step of the way including @BreeSkywing and @Dolgubon who haven't heard me talk about anything else besides this addon for the past 4 months.

I am a mathematician (so I'm confident all formulas are correct) and a gamer (so I'm pretty sure the formulas apply as they do), but I am by no means a computer scientist. Much of the work is a refinement of the work done by @Asayre and many of the formulas are named in his honor. I have essentially been learning lua as I go over the past few months of writing this addon, so I would LOVE any feedback and suggestions in that regard!


1) Allow the user to more easily compare two different theoretical states. Currently, you can directly compare a theoretical state to your actual state leaving the user to do the extra step.

2) Improve the bonus damage info. Since bonus varies from skill to skill, this is the most difficult stat to handle. Luckily, for the purpose of Mundas stones it's also the most useless! I gloss over sets like Sun which add spell (or weapon) damage in "hidden" way, i.e. the increased power does not show up in your character sheet. As such, wearing these sets will make the addon render slightly inaccurate results.

3) Battle scaling reeks havok on the way I compute the total bonuses (the bonuses, not the actual number, but the sum of the percent increases) to weapon and spell damage, so these numbers will not be accurate for toons who haven't hit max level. But if you're min maxing toons under level 50, you have even more time than I do

4) Only works in English sadly and brand new toons may also experience UI errors . Will be able to fix the latter issue, but the former one is a ways down the road sadly.


This is just one of one the many possible ways to use the addon (sadly it does have a bit of a learning curve that I'm working to reduce as much as possible).

Suppose you are running a non-heavy attack build pet-sorc and you want to see which is better in both a trial situation and solo: Necrootence or Julionos. For argument sake, let's say you currently have Juli on.

1) Go to the settings and input how much total damage (as a percent) your pets do. This is the first tab in the addons settings. With both pets out a good round number is 20%. In the same enter how much your light and heavy attacks do (again, and as always, as a percent). If you're unsure the default of 15% is fine.

2). Let's first describe the solo situation first. Now open your bonuses window by right clicking the appropiate name in the upper right hand corner. This will open the addons largest table of theoretical bonuses. We want to see what happens when we change from Juli to Necro, so we need to subtract the Juli bonuses and add the Necro ones. Juli has crit, mag, crit, 299 spell damage while Necro has mag, mag, mag, and a crap ton of mag.

Subtract the two crits from Juli (we can ignore the mag the two sets have in common) by right clicking the gear bonus from the crit row twice. Then subtract the 299 spell damage by subtracting (always by right clicking) the Juli set bonus from the spell damage row. As you do this the list of stats will pop up and highlight as you subtract the relevant stat. The stats added are the ones buffed according to your current buffs, i.e if you had major sorcery active at your last stat renew you should see 360 spell damage removed (20% more). Of course, as you are effectively removing gear you will see a dps loss indicated (the large number in the lower right corner).

Now add the bonuses from necro. Add the two magicka bonuses by left clicking the gear bonus from the magicka two times (for the two bonuses). Again, the takes into account your current buffs and CP. Then left click the necropotence bonus button from that same magicka row.

That's it. The number you get will be which set to use in your current situation. In nearly all situations, you will probably see necropotence will be roughly a percent ahead of Juli here.

3). Well. Essentially that calculation is not worth very much because under trial buffs things can change dramatically. However, essentially the same calculation applies but now your forst left click any trial buffs you wish to consider. For instance, the stat bonus part of war horn will push you in the direction of necro since you end up getting 10% more magicka out of the necro set. However the crit damage bonus to war horn (you guessed it, found in the crit damage row) couples well with the crit chance bonuses in Juli.

When comparing the sets now, both setups will probably yield positive results (since buffs are getting added in) simply not which percent is larger. Again, without a heavy attack build you will probably see necro edge out Juli but the margin will probably be smaller than it was before.


In the end, player skill and rotation are far more important to high dps than min-maxing so of course there can never be a oure theoretical way to compute somebodys dps. As such this addon essentially has no weight at all since it's purely theoretical (i.e dependent on your stats, not your rotation). But this makes it impossible to deal with proc sets. The sadesr downside of this is that infused weapons (which are based on procs) are not and probably never will be a part of this addon. In the same token, monster helms (with the exception of Slimeclaw) are also not(and never will be) a part of the addon. I leave it to the user to examine their own parses to addon these missing ingredients.
