AUI - Advanced UI by Sensi
Version: 2.597a by @ragnarok_77

- Fix for AUI addon (Quest Tracker) no more error message while starting game & wrong quest displayed
- API version updated (no more "out of date" warnings)
- Added a fix for Minion to avoid update rollback
- (new) Fixed subtitles : Removed subtitles from framemover (temp fix)

Note: this is the full AUI addon from Sensi, repackaged with my fix.
Thank you very much for you're great addon Sensi
Technical details:
- Error message & incorect followed quest : (events.lua line 570 "QUEST_TRACKER" -> "FOCUSED_QUEST_TRACKER")
- API version changed 100023
- Version changed 2.597
by @ragnarok_77
