Thanks to CaptainBlagbird for creating the original Quest Map program. Please see his ESOUI entry for the addon description and update history.

Since no one has changed this addon for a while and I needed it to supplement what MapPins does, I opted to update the Libraries and API to WolfHunter (4.1) specs. I could have continued to use Destinations to pick up the quest givers but Destinations plus MapPins was overkill, in my opinion, and the MapPins author has indicated that he was not interested in adding quest giver locations to his addon program.

Quest Map works for me on PTS and on Live (NA Servers); however, I have yet to go into any DLC content released after Wrothgar. Hopefully, this addon will pick up the new zones and sub-zones automatically. If it does not, then I shall have to apply my limited .lua programming knowledge toward obtaining the quest giver location data for the missing zones and sub-zones.

Which means if you cannot find a quest giver, then I too probably cannot find that quest giver and I am already (slowly) working on finding a way to update the data files to provide the information we both would like to see.

Should you have a request, or should you like to report a bug, please feel free to do it here. However, if you just want to bitch about something this addon does that you don't like, please be aware that I reserve the right to ignore pointless or brainless complaints!

FYI, I am a retired C++ and OOP application programmer, analyst, developer, and consultant. I am not dumb; however, I am ignorant about .lua programming, the ESO APIs, and what they both can do. Constructive direction, guidance, assistance, and critiques will be acknowledged and appreciated.

Thank you all for your patience.
