libChat3 is a library Chat for The Elder Scrolls Online.

Use libGarfield to be sure that libChat3 is not overwrite by another addOn.

Who uses libChat3 ?

Provision's Twemoji Support (= Discord's emoji)
... and hopefully many more to come!

Player :

You can install it like an AddOns.

Next update :

- libChat3.5 will add full support for libChat4 to prepare the transition to libChat4.
- libChat4 : Break changes, libChat4 will be incompatible with backwards-versions.
New in libChat3 :

Allow several addon listeners on one event (without conflict) :
- registerName
- registerText
- registerAppendDDSBeforeAll
- registerAppendTextBeforeAll
- registerAppendDDSBeforeSender
- registerAppendTextBeforeSender
- registerAppendDDSAfterSender
- registerAppendTextAfterSender
- registerAppendDDSBeforeText
- registerAppendTextBeforeText
- registerAppendDDSAfterText
- registerAppendTextAfterText

AddOn Author Part :

Event Schema to add text element :

Mini :
|                           message                         |
|   {___1___} | {Sender} | {___2___} | {Text} | {___3___}   |
| BfAll |      playerLink      |        text        | ..... |

Full :
|            |                    ___1___                    | {Sender} |                    ___2___                    | {Text} |                    ___3___                    |
| Position : |   BeforeAll   | {OptEsoFormat} | BeforeSender |          |  AfterSender  | {OptEsoFormat} |  BeforeText  |        |   AfterText   | {OptEsoFormat} | ............ |
| Index :    | DDS_  | Text_ |                | DDS_ | Text_ |          | Text_ | DDS_  |                | DDS_ | Text_ |        | Text_ | DDS_  |                | ............ |
| Variable : |  channelLink  |                |               playerLink                |                |                 text                  |                | ............ |

 *{OptEsoFormat} = {OptionnalESOUIFormat}
How to use :

local LC = LibStub('libChat-1.0')

-- Replace / Parse the player name :
LC:registerFrom(function(channelID, from, isCustomerService, fromDisplayName) return from end)-- /!\ 4 arguments

-- Replace / Parse the text :
LC:registerText(function(channelID, from, text, isCustomerService, fromDisplayName) return text end)

-- Add text element (watch the schema to get the position name) :
local position = "BeforeAll"
local index = "Text'"
LC:["registerAppend" .. index .. position](function(channelID, from, text, isCustomerService, fromDisplayName) return ">>" end)
Old version and How to use here :
