Patchnotes from 15.01.2019:

  • Fixed a performance-related issue that was triggered when a friend, group member, or guildmate would log in, log out, or change zones. This fix will result in slightly higher FPS, particularly if you are a member of a larger guild.
    • Note: If you were searching for your own name inside the guild screen for the performance benefit, you no longer need to do this.

This will make this addon most likely outdated.

Inspired by a forum thread, claiming that entering the own account name into the guild roster search would reduce lags in PvP and PvE on PSA, we came to the idea, to make a tiny script, which blocks guild roster information updating all the time, as long as you're not in the guild roster window. Depending on system this can be a performance improvement.

We do not claim this addon will improve your ingame experience or your performance, also it's more of a test. It should also block laggs, when the weekly trade guild kicking of your active guild happens. Does it work for you, do you feel performance improvements, are you running into any problems. Feedback is much appreciated.

Forum thread:
