THIS LIBRARY IS DISCONTINUED! Please do not use it any longer

After the Markarth patch (API 10033) this library won't be needed any longer.
Please deinstall and remove it from your addons!

Old description:
Author: merlight
Maintainers: Baertram, sirinsidiator

This library will fix some smaller issues like filtering items in the inventories, enabling the search boxes in the inventories again.
-Compatibility fixes between addons like AdvancedFilters, Awesome Guild Store

Dev github:

API functions

-- shift backpack sort headers and item list down (shiftY > 0) or up (shiftY < 0)
-- add-ons should only call this from their EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED handler
function libCIF:addBackpackLayoutShiftY(shiftY)

-- tell libCIF to skip enabling inventory filters on guild store sell tab
-- add-ons should only call this from their EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED handler
function libCIF:disableGuildStoreSellFilters()

-- tell libCIF to skip showing inventory search boxes outside guild store sell tab
-- add-ons should only call this from their EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED handler
function libCIF:disableSearchBoxes()

-- apply the given anchor to the given backpack layout fragments or all.
-- add-ons should only call this from their EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED handler
-- Additional expert hint: anchor can be a ZO_Anchor or a table having a function :Set(control).
-- You are able to implement your own complex anchoring functions, using e.g. "mode" information from crafting tables
-- tableWithLayoutFragment needs to be left empty to anchor all available layoutFragments, 
-- or it needs to be a table containing the layout fragments to be anchoredd 

function libCIF:setSearchBoxAnchor(anchor, tableWithLayoutFragments)
