Designed to prevent players from reapplying Line-breaker too early.


If you're (1) Wearing 5pc Alkosh, (2) looking at a target that has Line-breaker applied to them and (3) you're in a boss fight (or fighting a dummy) then the addon will prevent the player from seeing/activating synergies.

This addon does not function outside of Trials

There is a stamina check coded into the addon to allow you to activate orbs/shards regardless of Line-breaker status if your stamina pool falls too low.

A delay is implemented to allow the player to apply linebreaker to the target within 0-3s before the debuff expires based on the configured value in settings

Synergies that will always be blocked IF alkosh is applied to the target
Grave Robber
Pure Agony
Synergies that will be blocked IF alkosh is applied to the target AND the player's stamina pool is not too low
Orbs (Both Versions)
Shards (Both Versions)
Synergies that will always be blocked regardless of Linebreaker status to save them for Dps (Marking yourself as Dps will allow you to use these synergies)
Charged Lightning (Atro)
Gravity Crush (Nova)
Impale (DK Talons)
Black Widows
